Remote Control

I first thought of building this, because I printed a quad-copter frame, and bought a flight controller, motors and propeller to go with it. I thought I would connect a Wemos D1 mini to the flight controller. Then if I wanted to fly it, I'd need a WiFi remote control.

I had two thumb joysticks and Spark-fun breakout boards I bought a long time ago, and never used, so I set about designing something. I also had various ESP 8266 modules to choose from. Having designed and printed something around a NodeMCU V2, I realised I'd made a silly mistake: There's only one analog in. You can often work around this by connecting and disconnecting the power from the various inputs, but that's not possible with these breakout boards. I got a cheap ADS1015 breakout board, and squeezed it in the corner of the box.

It's all a bit of a squeeze: I should have made the box a bit bigger. I always underestimate how much room wires take up. I also thought I'd made it for 30mm screws, and it's too thin. It all fits somehow anyway.

Anyway, I'm planning to use it with the robot arm now. The quad-copter can wait.

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