
Showing posts from May, 2017

Robot arm

I 3d printed this robot arm I original found on Thingiverse, but the Instructable is recommended. There's a MK2, and also a delta style arm, both of which look like good alternatives, but this will do for now. Here's a video of it moving: I've attached it to an STM32F4 Nucleo board, via a prototype shield: In the video, I'm sending commands from a python script that runs on my desktop, communicating via USB serial. I've written an implementation of canonical s-expressions in c++ that doesn't require memory allocation, as well as a python version to talk to it. It's the main reason I haven't posted for so long, and of course overkill for just controlling some servos, but should prove more generally useful. Here's the code . It uses platformio for the build, and mbed rtos.