IP Camera
I found this Raspberry Pi Zero camera enclosure on Thingiverse. I printed it first using Cura to slice it. That didn't work so well: every 5mm or so, the model had weak layers. I decided it was time to try slic3r instead.
Slic3r is much better supported by Prusa Research: you can get a config bundle from the Mac distribution, and I've just installed the Ubuntu version:
$ sudo apt-get install slic3r
I was expecting a lower level experience to Cura, but basically it's the same interface: a view of the build plate with the objects on it, and some tabs to configure the options. I definitely won't bother with Cura again.
The model itself might benefit from a bit of smoothing around the slots before you put it together. Don't use a nyloc nut in the pivot if you printed with PLA at least: it won't be strong enough. I found out the hard way, but of course I could just print another one.
I'm now installing MotionEye as per these instructions.
MotionEye is pretty neat but the Raspberry Pi Zero it's running on keeps crashing :(. It's still been a good way to check on my prints though.
Slic3r is much better supported by Prusa Research: you can get a config bundle from the Mac distribution, and I've just installed the Ubuntu version:
$ sudo apt-get install slic3r
I was expecting a lower level experience to Cura, but basically it's the same interface: a view of the build plate with the objects on it, and some tabs to configure the options. I definitely won't bother with Cura again.
The model itself might benefit from a bit of smoothing around the slots before you put it together. Don't use a nyloc nut in the pivot if you printed with PLA at least: it won't be strong enough. I found out the hard way, but of course I could just print another one.
I'm now installing MotionEye as per these instructions.
MotionEye is pretty neat but the Raspberry Pi Zero it's running on keeps crashing :(. It's still been a good way to check on my prints though.