Proxxon Micromot KT 150 and Proxxon BFB 2000 Arrive

In the end, I chose this combination. It might have been more interesting to have tried the Wabeco, but at this point I'd really like something that works. I was also heavily influenced by all the CNC conversions I've seen for this set up. I hadn't considered using this for PCB milling, but that's definitely a possibility.

I found Foxcot sell these two for £303 delivered. I decided the fact I had never heard of them would be OK since I could pay by Paypal. In the basket they quoted in Pounds, but then passed a price in Euros to Paypal, who's conversion was higher, so I didn't pay. Then I went back to the order status page, and followed the link to complete, which this time submitted the amount in pounds to Paypal. I don't know who made that mistake, but I saved £10. Otherwise I'd have use Conrad Electronic instead.

It arrived via UPS, who failed to deliver at the first attempt, because 'No apartment number provided', but the company name was provided, and it's the most obvious intercom. Anyway, at a second attempt, the same address proved adequate. Black mark for UPS.

The packaging wasn't great: just the original boxes wrapped in cardboard and a shipping bag, but I think everything is intact. Overall I guess Foxcot are worth a look. They have virtually every Proxxon machine, and I don't suppose UPS mess up that often. UPS left the price on the dispatch note: It only costs £10 to deliver from Florence to London, but £20 the other way!

I only opened the BFB 2000 to have a look, and I haven't brought either home yet. The BFB 2000 does seem very solid, but the proof is in the pudding. My DS-19 seems very solid too.

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