Electric gerbil on hold

I forgot to actually say that the electric gerbil fell by the wayside. Basically I couldn't find a strong enough gerbil ball, and re-enforcing one was going to be quite complicated. I also found that creating a convenient way of opening and closing the ball was a lot of trouble. All of this should be soluble, but I'd rather build something that doesn't require a whole lot of mechanical engineering. I want to get better at that, but I don't want it too prove too great an obstacle in my first project.

I've now cobbled together a balancing robot prototype using the same motors, and the STM32F3 discovery I mentioned before. I've also written some balancing software, which seems to work roughly as described. Not that the robot balances...

The guides I have read suggest just use the proportional part of PID, and get that working, and then work on the oscillation, but pretty much however high I set the constant, my robot falls flat on it's face. It's hard to tell if this is a latency problem, but I think the motors just aren't powerful enough.

Anyway - it's a promising start - all the mechanical stuff is much more off the shelf robot stuff.

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