
My aquarium project has been progressing slowly, but finally I have some fish. I've actually had some shrimp along the way, too. Any way, straight to a couple of photos:

These are Danio erythromicron: cross banded danios. They are very shy and move quicky. They are extremely difficult to photograph. I choose them because they like reasonably hard, alkaline water, and that's what I've got. They are also beautiful - the photos don't do them justice. I'm hoping they will be a little more relaxed in a few weeks. I've got a dozen of them for now. More than this is recommended, but I think I'll buy something different next. Perhaps something a little less up tight, and more visible.

I've added some more plants, and used some taller, but more sparse planting in the middle ground to try and draw them out where I can see them. This does seem to work.

I've also got some shrimp. They are cherry shrimp, but they are a little disappointing to be honest:
At least they stay still long enough for me to use the macro adapter! Perhaps they get a little redder as they get bigger. Perhaps I should try to find some better ones. I thought I'd lost two of these at one point, but I found them again inside my cannister filter. They'd been in there for two weeks, but seemed to be unscathed.

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