3D Printers
After printing a few more parts, and being a bit frustrated at the latency, I've decided I probably could get some value out of a 3D printer. I don't want to have to fiddle around too much with the build, so I've decided I want auto levelling, or a levelling sensor. I also want a heated bed, and a high temperature hot end so I can experiment with different materials. I decided to weigh one of my parts, and found it was about 30 grams. At £16 a kg, that's about 50p worth of PLA, so I guess a 1Kg spool would go a long way. It cost me £6 to get the part printed. Possible contenders: Ooznest Prusa i3 kit £399 Prusa i3 Mk2 kit £629 Orballo Prusa i3 Steel £368 The Orballo has a few negative reviews, which they claim to have addressed. They also seem to attract complaints for slow shipping. It doesn't have auto levelling. On the positive side: they have an option for no-maintenance bearings which is appealing. The steal frame is well regarded. If you choose ...