Still searching for wireless solutions...

Actually, if you search for nRF24L01+ arduino you find a large entry in the Arduino playground. A little down the page is something that is not all that Arduino specific (although the examples are Arduino), or nRF24 specific: Radiohead. Sadly it doesn't support CC2500. It does seem like the nRF24 ecosystem is a great deal more vigorous than CC2500.

Also, if I have to have a bridge to the PC, I could use a Bluetooth master and slave module - it's not like Linux would be a problem then, and as a bonus, I could still use a mobile phone as a controller.

I've got some nRF24 devices on the way, but I also have some Bluetooth modules in older projects. Perhaps one of them supports master mode.

I've also discovered a few variants of the nRF24: the nRF24LU1 and nRF24LE1 which include an 8051 micro controller and executable flash, with 4K RAM+USB and 1K RAM respectively. These can be programmed via SPI. I've exported the aforementioned to Github. Although you get a compiler with Arduino, I think these devices are too small for Arduino.

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