
Showing posts from January, 2014

Telemetry live in a web browser

Once I had a bluetooth link to the robot, I wanted some way of visualising the the output. I've thought about this before, because I wanted to turn one of these micro controller boards into an oscilloscope. I've used Flot , because it's jQuery based, and I'm familiar with that. Of course I need some way of sending data to the browser in real time, so that required WebSockets, which I haven't used before. I used a python script to relay data from the bluetooth interface to any connected WebSocket clients, using Twisted and txWS . I'm hoping getting all this working will have other uses, but actually, it's already been very useful in debugging my filter code. I've put the result up on Bitbucket for now: I've been using mercurial so that's easier than converting to Git. It's here .