
Showing posts from June, 2017

Soldering a usb wifi module to a raspberry pi zero's test points

I'm sure I found instructions on how to solder a USB wifi module onto a Raspberry Pi Zero somewhere. After seeing that, I bought a couple of little USB modules: Described as RT3070 Ralink Network Card Adapter Module. It works plugged into the Pi's USB port without any problem, so that's a start. Here are the instructions . I was under the mistaken impression you get an extra port out of it, but you don't - you are just using the one usb port. I'm going to cut the cable and use the existing wires. I've got another module, and another cable for testing, if that's needed. They are: red: +5V -> PP1 yellow: D- -> PP23 white: D+ -> PP22 green: ground -> PP6 There's a spreadsheet of test points here . I actually got the D+ and D- the wrong way round the first time, because I found a misleading description of the module, but nothing got broken, and it worked at the second attempt. The order is just as you would expect for a USB co...