A bit more about nRF24L01, IP over nRF24L01
The RF24 has an 'Enhanced Shockburst' mode (honestly who thinks up these names). It's asymmetric: one end is the PTX (primarily transmitting) and the other the PRX (primarily receiving). The PTX sends a packet and awaits an acknowledgement, and the PRX waits for packets and sends acknowledgements, however the acknowledgements have an optional payload. The result is a full duplex link, with an 'upstream' data rate limited by the downstream data rate. The RF24 does all this automatically: getting from and writing to it's transmit and receive buffers. A fully general serial driver could negotiate switches between modes automatically, but there's a reason not to bother to do this: PTX can only be to a single device, while PRX mode supports up to 6 remote devices - i.e. a hub would use PRX mode exclusively. I'm wondering what 'IP over RF24' would look like. 32 bytes is too small to be the MTU. Perhaps something like this would work: leaves woul...