Balance Bot V2
My current balance bot sort of works, but it's surprising it does: it's centre of gravity is actually only about 60mm above the motor axis. The whole thing ways 320g. The 6 AAA batteries only weigh 70g, so despite being right at the top, the don't affect the centre of gravity much. 6 AA batteries would weigh about 180g. That would add a 34% to the overall weight, and move the centre of gravity much higher. Seems like a dramatic increase in weight: it would be nice to be a bit more incremental. More AAA batteries isn't really worth considering: they only weight 12g, vs 30g for an AA. 4 AA would deliver much less power/torque, so that's no good. There's no middle ground, in other words. I'm also going to make the whole thing a bit taller: I need more space to add more sensors in any case. Last time I made the frame, I needed an elaborate jig to get it square and it actually didn't work that well. This time, I decided to use some short bits of a...