Date and time
I've got a reasonably small date-time library working in Picobit. I started off with SRFI-19 , but found it's reference implementation used floating point numbers for Julian day, and used Julian day to calculate conversions between UTC and the Gregorian calendar. Trying to figure out if I could change this to integer arithmetic didn't seem that easy. Instead, I found a ground up integer method in Joda-time, and used that instead. It's calculation is incredibly easy to understand, once you get over the fact that it's pulled to pieces into several subclasses and helpers, to the extent that you wonder why everyone doesn't do it the same way. I got to simplify it even more, because Picobit gives you more latitude with arbitrary precision. The result is fairly like SRFI-19 but ignores leap seconds, and therefore the distinction between TAI and UTC , replacing them with time-real. This makes all the more sense given that most microcontroller projects will probably...