New chassis
My balancing robot project has had a long hiatus, because my life in general has: I went on holiday, mostly to visit family, and broke my ankle, so it turned out I was away for 2 months. I should have posted before I left. After getting the telemetry working, I started to converge on the correct settings for balancing, to the extent that the robot would often stand up for 10 seconds or so. Then one of the gearboxes started sticking. I started off on another tack, buying two gear motors, rather than tinker with the arrangement I had, or embark on the rather complicated project of machining my own. What swung it was I finally found some more affordable ones: MFA Como Drills 950D . The link is to the 11:1 ratio version, which I choose. 50:1 just seemed like it would be too slow. I think this should make things much easier: the slack in the gearbox is minimal, so the robot should be able to react faster, and require less damping. I'm doubting my choice of ratio now, but at ...